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Everything posted by MrDawn

  1. Probably won't waste my time. A lot of his movies are pretty bad these days. Last movie I enjoyed with him in it was Expendables 2 and that was it. The last few I watched that were low budget with him in them were just despicably bad.
  2. But....what about Xbox getting Sony exclusives? Sounds like a shitty one sided deal to me.
  3. Good. Xbox deserves the best. Kinda of tired of seeing Sony run the market.
  4. No, idea. But if they wanted to just make an infection appear out of no where, they could just look to this for example.
  5. Reminds me of this episode from American Gods, everytime!
  6. Granted, but your spices are tasteless and bland. I wish I could have a huge raise where I work.
  7. That's the realistic thing about epidemics. Scientists never figure out their origin. Just look at the last Ebola outbreak in 2015. It just appeared with a series of sick people and then blew up from there. Same with Covid, they were all over the place with theories like Wuhan. They don't 100% know.
  8. Trailer is disappointing asf. It shows nothing. Wtf Netflix?
  9. Uh....no. I prefer the Japanese version to this one. G Gundam....SHINING FINGERS!!!!
  10. What a depressing story that the song presents. I can empathize. The husband isn't happy in the relationship. The woman is struggling to be happy with her daughter and trying to keep the family together and wants her husband to be more involved and he's just not there emotionally, until finally he's just gone and it's just her daughter there to comfort here. The song really gives a sense of deep loneliness. Speaking of depressing songs. Here's one by Deftones lead singer Chino. Lyrics:
  11. Granted but it causes you to have frequent urination. I wish I had a hybrid car, half fuel half electric for better mileage.
  12. I wonder if this just a mini series or another thing on it's own like "Fear The Walking Dead" was to it's parent series?
  13. I guess that makes sense. The story strongly implying that David created the Xenomorphs didn't sit well with a ton of fans. That's probably what badly impacted the prequels. I remember the complaints.
  14. They were interesting movies, but I felt they were mostly just meh. Maybe this one will be better. I'm hoping.
  15. I really wonder what the plot is going to be about. I hope it's nothing like The Walking Dead, that was really wash and repeat for many many seasons lol. I hope it's something new.
  16. It'd be better than all of these MI sequels he's been crapping out lately. Damn, the way he's making them is overkill.
  17. Are you wishing you could unsee it yet? 😆 My thought process is that's 2 hours you could have spent watching a movie or a television show that was a hundred times better. I used to not be so anal about watching shit movies like this, but as I've gotten in my late 30's, I just want to be sure that the movie I'm watching is of quality and not total garbage.
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