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1.) Respect your fellow members and staff.
Everyone has the right to join and participate in our discussions. This means that we will not accept any form of trolling, abuse or harassment. Attempting to conduct such acts will result in quick and swift punishment. Continued attempts will result in ban, without parole.

2.) Use spoilers where needed.
Please respect everyone's right to choose what they do and don't read. If you feel like something could be considered a spoiler but aren't entirely sure, play it safe and use it anyway! Please use spoilers for a minimum of one month before considering it open for discussion.

3.) Prohibited Content
You agree not to post any prohibited content. Below is a list of some, but not all, prohibited content: (If uncertain, contact me or another member of the staff team to double-check.)

  • Posting stolen material.
  • Posting pornographic images, links to pornographic images or anything that would be rated above PG-14.
  • Posting other people's personal information or somewhere that displays said information.
  • Posting links to torrent sites that allow the download of pirated material (music, movies, etc).

4.) Use common sense.
We know not everyone has this; but, we'd like to ask that you use what your momma gave you and think before you do, say or write. If you wouldn't want someone to say, do or write something to you, then don't do it to someone else. We're all here to enjoy the discussions of our favorite television shows and their characters, let's keep those annoying personal matters off-forum please and thanks!

Note*: These rules are subject to change at any time and we will do our best to notify you of changes; but, you are still responsible for knowing and understanding them.

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Spoilers Etiquette Guide


If you're unsure whether or not you should use spoilers, play it safe and do so. You can use the built-in tag system and use it as a label for the thread. You can also include a short *Spoiler Alert* in the opening comments of your thread. When replying, you can use the hide content button, which resembles an eye on the editor.

2.) “It Happened in the Book!” is Not an Excuse to Spoil a Show 

I'm horrible about doing this. I oftentimes struggle with separating the fact that just because something happened in the book, it doesn't necessarily equate to the same thing happening in the movie or show or that it's happened so far or will even happen in this season. If you're not sure if something has happened and it did happen in the book, be patient, hold your comment and wait to see if it actually does before commenting.


This one is mostly common sense. Please wait at least one week after the release of a new episode of a show before openly discussing it without using spoilers and wait at least one month after the release of a movie in theaters before openly discussing it.


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